Saturday, 30 May 2009

A lovely day off

I took Friday off work to spend the day doing lots of lovely things...

After a very early start I arrived at my Mum's in Ipswich for morning coffee and cheese scones, freshly baked just before I arrived. We had a good gossip over coffee before doing some more baking.

I called into my Grandparents to say hello to them and have a cup of tea in my brown mug. We talked about where they had lived when they first got married and had a good reminisce about the past.

Then it was off to the University of Essex in the afternoon for a Lecture by Hermione Lee as part of The Afterlives of Virginia Woolf season that they have been running. You can read more about the lecture on my Virginia Woolf blog. She is a wonderful speaker and I came away feeling very inspired and studious.

I headed home at 4:30 and despite getting stuck on the M25 at rush hour I was still home earlier than I would have been if I had been to work. It was a wonderfully relaxing day and I just wish everyday could be like it.


Laura said...

I so envy you being able to bake with your mother...I absolutely love to do it with mine, but unfortunately she lives a couple of thousand miles away! Beautiful cake by the way, and the Virginia Wolf talk sounds fascinating.

Flo said...

I bake with my mother and grandmother and I have learned all I know about baking from them. I feel a real connection to my past when I do as generations of women before me have baked!

my favurite thing in the world is a piece of my grandmothers short bread, yum

Greedy Nan said...

Thank you for your comment to my blog. I actually thought of you when I was typing it [no really I did] and wondered if you might look in and I am delighted that you did.

Greedy Nan said...

Try and look at this. I only just found it and it's superb.